
Source 1:

Chou, Shin‐Yi, et al. “Fast‐Food Restaurant Advertising on Television and Its Influence on Childhood Obesity.”

The Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 51, no. 4, 2008, pp. 599–618.,doi:10.1086/590132.

The credibility of the author is displayed to gain an understanding of how childhood obesity is carried into adulthood. It begins affecting the child at an early age which proceeds to be an everyday situation. Through a survey study shown, the effects of advertising show an increase in overweight. This shows that the younger audience from the ages of 3-11 are often the ones that are attracted into fast food therefore they are the ones that are being affected.

Source 2:

Drewnowski, A, and N Darmon. “The Economics of Obesity: Dietary Energy Density and Energy Cost.”

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition., U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2005,

The credibility of the author explains that fast food advertisement industry had a various amount of healthier food that customers from all various age groups would be able to enjoy these items. Since children and teens are the target groups, they do not realize how fast food is affecting as well as changing their body with every bite that they take. Children and teens now a days, just care about how the food is display rather than the flavor or even health aspects. This can build up overtime and affect the human body especially at a young age.

Source 3:

Frederick J Zimmerman, and Sandhya V Shimoga. “The Effects of Food Advertising and Cognitive Load on Food Choices.”

BMC Public Health, BioMed Central, 10 Apr. 2014,

The credibility of the author was shown through the effect of food advertising. The food market is one of the continuous growing markets in United States. They strive to make their products stand out as well as increase and expand the food market dramatically. The food market consistently grows due to the people’s need for food in order to survive. Therefore, the effect on the market is beneficial however, unhealthy for children and teens.

Source 4:

Story, Mary, and Simone French. “International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.”

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, vol. 1,1, 2004, p. 3., doi:10.1186/1479-5868-1-3.

The credibility of the author is displayed to broadcast how food markets promote eating behavior on a variety of platforms. Food marketing and advertising aims to attract children and teens. In fast food restaurants, children and teens allow junk to enter their body without being aware of the health aspects and how it can be damaging to the bodies. Children and teens however, like to spend their money and consume without knowing the nutritional facts behind it.